September 20, 2024

The Tampa Post

Business and Community News for Metro Tampa Bay Florida

What Is A Life Coach

What Is A Life Coach

By Virginia Bensen


I’m Virginia Bensen.  I am a life and career coach. I specialize in working with our senior population, those over the age of 50. I help them to face retirement years with a purpose and a means to achieve their life’s dreams.  I can also work with other age groups as well. 


So, you are probably asking yourself, just what does a life coach do? A life coach counsels and encourages clients through personal and career challenges. A life coach helps to guide clients so they can reach their ultimate goals. 


You are still probably wondering, what is this life coaching really doing, and is this the same as going to a therapist?  The answer to the second question is NO.  Although a life coach and therapist seem to do the same thing, there are differences.  Therapists provide mental health care treatment.  A life coach does not. 


Life coaching is focused on personal and professional development. A life coach helps their clients build and utilize the right tools to reach their goals, but they do not provide clinical mental health care.  A life coach is a guide. 


So how do you know which life coach is good for You.  You must feel comfortable talking about all types of things with your life coach. If you don’t find that comfort level, you may want to look for a coach that provides a better fit for you. Coaches are trained to ask questions and create impactful change in just about any area of life. I specialize in transformational, personal success, and career coaching, but focus on working with our senior population. 


Bottom line here – a life coach should help you by providing you the keys to unlocking your full potential, and help you get unstuck.  A life coach will help you to achieve a better work-life balance or retirement-life balance or help you to determine a career path. Note here: a career path can be whatever you want it to be – a work or retirement dream. 


I can provide those keys that you need to help to attain a successful life. I provide small group workshops, and soon I will be providing online mini-classes as well as specializing programs to help guide active seniors toward a more fulfilling retirement life. 



By Virginia Bensen

I  have a Doctorate in Education, specializing in Adult and Technical Education.  My work background is in designing, developing, managing, and evaluating workforce and educational programs for adults.