September 20, 2024

The Tampa Post

Business and Community News for Metro Tampa Bay Florida

“Freedom isn’t Free” Memorial Day tribute and picnic motivate veterans at a local Tampa area home.

“Freedom isn’t Free” Memorial Day tribute and picnic motivate veterans at a local Tampa area home.

By Jack Pagano

Thonotosassa, FL- With music blasting, “Eye of the Tiger” from the infamous Rocky III movie, Robert “Rocky” Rochford gathered veterans and spirited Tampa area locals to his house.  A down-home burgers and hotdogs picnic.   Yet, it was more than a picnic outing in the close to 100-degree temperatures.  The gathering was an opportunity for Rochford, a retired Navy Captain to honor and thank those patriots who gave the ultimate sacrifice.    “This is an exciting day for me and a stirring day as a veteran. ‘We must never forget’ all those who didn’t come home.”  Rochford served for 33 years.  He has seen service and sacrifice up close and personal.

“Memorial Day” Tribute. Chris Wiggins from Dover, Florida is getting ready to mustard her hotdog at “Rocky” Robert Rochford’s Memorial Day tribute and picnic. 27 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


Pastor Ernie Rivera echoed Rochford’s call to never forget.  Memorial Day is observed throughout America on the last Monday of May since 1971.  It was formerly known as Decoration Day.

Rivera came to the tribute with Bishop John Jackson.  They support “Protect our Children” a nonprofit in the Tampa area. They are on the frontlines in seeking solutions to the child trafficking situation.  Jackson says, “Children are not for sale.”  Rochford’s event allowed the men of faith to showcase what they’re trying to achieve in combatting child trafficking.

“Memorial Day” Tribute. Bishop John Jackson talks about family, freedom, and faith at “Rocky” Rochford’s Memorial Day tribute and picnic. 27 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


“Memorial Day” Tribute.  Hamburgers and hotdogs are handed out at “Rocky” Rochford’s Memorial Day tribute and picnic. 27 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


During the tribute, Rockford talked about his spirited, “must do” actions if elected to Congress.  He is running in Florida’s 14th district against 18-year democrat Congresswoman Kathy Castor.

Although this day was all about veterans and those who made the supreme sacrifice, Rochford is livid about the veteran homeless problem in America and on the streets of Hillsborough and St. Petersburg.   The 14th district comprises all of Hillsborough County and parts of St. Petersburg.  He says there are 5 thousand homeless in the 14th district. “We have families homeless on our streets.  Families, can you believe this? We must change this and I’m the guy to do it.”  He says he has a strategic plan and on day one, January 4, 2025, (the day he is sworn into Congress) he will get it going on Capitol Hill. The tribute picnic outing was not a stump speech event at his home, but Rochford did mention that in 18 years Castor has signed into law just 3 bills-two of them for renaming post offices.

“Memorial Day” Tribute.  Table setting for “Rocky” Rochford’s Memorial Day tribute and picnic. 27 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


This got the tribute crowd thinking.  Paul Chaka is a Navy veteran and he says, “Rocky gives confidence and our area needs this.  I’m for Rocky.”  Paul was not alone, especially with Nicaraguan journalist Jaime Arellano.    Rochford met Arellano when the Spanish-speaking radio broadcaster needed hope and a caring American.  Arellano was imprisoned in Nicaragua for two years. His crime: speaking out on the radio/internet against the Ortega government.  Arellano has more than 200,000 followers on the internet.  A “political prisoner” Arellano was released in the USA and Tampa after a US State Department prison swap in 2023.

Arellano says Rochford came to his aid unconditionally and that has built an endearing friendship he says will stand the test of time. “Rocky has courage, values, and cares. That means a lot to me.  Memorial Day gives me the chance to thank Rocky and I deeply appreciate the fighting spirit he has shown me.”

“Memorial Day” Tribute.  Spanish radio broadcaster/journalist Jaime Arellano talks about his turbulent, imprisoned experiences with Nicaragua’s socialist and communist ways at “Rocky” Rochford’s Memorial Day tribute and picnic. 27 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


For one day each year, we remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. A day full of events, picnics, and gratitude that keeps freedom close to our hearts. An “Eye of the Tiger” determination and spirit that never dies.  Memorial Day tells us loudly, “Freedom isn’t Free.”



Jack Pagano is a retired Army field grade officer with many decades of Information Operations experience and currently working remotely in the USA as COO/Strategist for one of Afghanistan’s biggest Radio/TV networks.  His current mission is getting out Afghan journalists he trained, and mentored who are stuck, stranded under the Sharia-driven Taliban.