September 20, 2024

The Tampa Post

Business and Community News for Metro Tampa Bay Florida

The “Plastics community” invades Orlando with one goal: Clear, Hold, and Build on the latest technology and ideas that will make the world a better, cleaner place.

The “Plastics community” invades Orlando with one goal: Clear, Hold, and Build on the latest technology and ideas that will make the world a better, cleaner place.

By Jack Pagano


Orlando, FL- The world of plastics and goodwill was showcased at Orlando’s Convention Center this week.   More than 55,000 strong and 2,00 exhibitors came to America’s top trade show destination to show off how “plastics” will play a major and crucial role in everyone’s life.  PLASTICS COO Glenn Anderson said, “This is an opportunity for our exhibitors to showcase innovations in materials, equipment, and other technologies that will change the world.”

“NPE2024 is the largest plastic show in North America.  The “Made For You” concept was all about making the exposition memorable, relevant, and accessible to the GEN Z generation.  More than 50 percent of the attendees are first-time attendees.  First impressions are lasting and   NPE2024 wants “The Buzz” to be timely and useful as the world tries to find sound environmental solutions.  The plastics community understands they have enormous power and leverage that can change the world.


“NPE2024.  National Plastics Exposition at the Orlando Convention Center.  More than 2,000 exhibitors are showcasing the future of the plastics world. 7 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)

Getting out goodwill was also on the minds of the attendees.  For 5 hours on 8 May, a group of NPE2024 volunteers packaged more than 20,000 meals of rice, salt, and lentils, a “Vegan Meal”  for the Orlando community.  Corissa Raymond was leading the packaging charge and expressed deep satisfaction in directing the attendees.  “This was NPE’s first food insecure project.”

“NPE2024.  Corissa Raymond of Orlando is gathering rice that will be packaged for Orlando’s food-insecure community. 8 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)

“NPE2024.  Enne Remener from Long Beach, California volunteering a few hours with the NPE2024 team. 8 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


Enne Remener, Director of Data Engineering for Plastics Industry Association said it’s all about giving back to the community even when it’s far away from home. “We want to serve the community and packaging meals for those who need it is well worth my time even at a convention.”

NPE2024.  Tony DeMakis, President of Alliance Specialists and Laser Sales in suburban Chicago gets ready to box a food-insecure package bound for Second Harvest in Orlando. 8 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


The spirit of giving back was alive at NPE2024.  Organizers say this “goodwill volunteerism” could be an annual event at the NPE.  In our next report concerning NPE2024, we’ll deep dive into the strategic innovators and exhibitors who came to Florida and showcased the future. The plastics world can shape the future. Will it succeed?


NPE2024.  Michael Williams, 360 Live Media Marketing Manager adds a pinch of salt to the mix. NPE2024 volunteers gave their time to help Orlando’s food-insecure community. 8 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


NPE2024.  Volunteers package more than 20,000 meals for Orlando’s food-insecure community. 8 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano)


NPE2024.  Volunteers from NPE2024 prepare food-insecure packages for the Orlando community. 8 May 24 (photo by Jack Pagano



Jack Pagano is a retired Army field grade officer with many decades of Information Operations experience and currently working remotely in the USA as COO/Strategist for one of Afghanistan’s biggest Radio/TV networks.  His current mission is getting out Afghan journalists he trained, and mentored who are stuck, stranded under the Sharia-driven Taliban.